RTI’s Weather Now time & temperature system is Internet-based,
receiving a vast amount of weather information on a continuing
basis via the Web. No outside wiring or weather sensors, no
satellite hookups. The same Internet connection Weather Now uses
to keep its weather information updated also allows us to
connect to the system several times a day to monitor its
performance, check call volume, change ads and more. In
addition, the time of day that your callers hear is synchronized
with federal atomic clocks.
“Old” style time\temp systems have always relied on weather
instruments mounted outside, with wires run inside to the
system. Not much fun to install, and maintenance is often
required, because weather sensors kept outside in the weather
can fail. These systems also limit the amount of information
available to callers on the phone - typically they offer just
the time and temperature (not the time\temp, forecast,
humidity,wind speed\direction, wind chill and heat index
provided by Weather Now).
Weather Now systems can accommodate four “plain old” analog
phone lines. Our eight phone line system will be available soon.
The more lines you have plugged into the system, the more
callers your system can serve simultaneously. Note - our
system is the only time & temp system in the world that is VOIP
ready - potentially saving you money on your monthly phone
bills. Call us for details.
Once set up, the Weather Now system runs unattended. We monitor
the system remotely.
Call our demo line at 919-362-1117,
then call us at 919-363-5399 with questions!